

Night Guards: If you have a dental history of bruxism (grinding or clenching your teeth), or are unaware and have symptoms of bruxism, a night guard may be recommended. Bruxism can happen during the day or at night. Many people grind/clench their teeth when they are in a deep sleep, others may do it during the day while they are driving in deep thought, under stress, or even lifting weights at the gym!

If you are a bruxer you are at risk for:

  • Wearing down or even breaking your teeth/restorations.
  • Inflammation of your periodontal ligament that supports your teeth, thus causing them to be sore to bite on or even loosen
  • Hypersensitive teeth
  • Gum Recession
  • Frequent headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Jaw pain and muscle tenderness
  • Clicking/popping when opening/closing your jaw
  • Limited jaw opening, or jaw lock

To make a night guard a dental impression will be taken and sent to a lab to fabricate. It is recommended that you bring your night guard with you to every cleaning appointment to have it professional cleaned and inspected.